Lapeer real estate, market update for Lapeer MI, September 2013.
Real estate market data for Lapeer MI, provided by Donald Horne, associate broker for Coldwell Banker.
In the last 31 days, we have seen 19 active listing on the market ranging from $36,000 to $329,000 and 1,007 up to 4,648 square feet. 14 solds ranging from $35,000 all the way up to $600,000 with 2 bedrooms to 4 bedrooms with 3.1 baths. Days on market from 1 day to 387 days.
Sample of homes for sale in Lapeer MI:
1121 N. Main St, asking $36,000 / 2 bedroom-1 bath with 1020 sq.ft
1075 N. Jackson St, $59,900 / 3 bedroom-1.1 bath with 1007 sq.ft
172 Bee Gee Ct, $104,900 / 4 bedroom-1 bath with 2498 sq.ft
1761 Morris Rd, asking $109,000 / 1654 sq.ft home with 5 bedrooms
1686 Madeline Dr, $129,900 / 5 bedroom-2.2 bath with 2582 sq.ft
674 Gregory Dr, $145,000 / 4 bedroom-3 bath with 2408 sq.ft
1273 Turrill Rd, $159,900 / 3 bedroom-1.1 bath with 1600 sq.ft
1365 Tanglewood Dr, asking $197,900 / 4648 sq.ft home with 3 bedroom-3.1 bath
3544 Lippincott Rd, $225,000 /3 bedroom-2.1 bath with 2200 sq.ft
1934 Misty Meadow Ln, $329,000 / 4 bedroom-3.1 bath home with 1988 sq.ft
Find all homes for sale in Lapeer
Sample of homes sold in Lapeer MI:
809 Cedar St, 15 days on market (dom), $35,000
80 Maple Grove Rd, 91 dom, $62,000
2751 Imlay City Rd, 14 dom, $69,000
695 Lamoreaux Dr, 111 days on market (dom), $94,000
306 Courtneys Place, 35 dom, $135,000
2312 S. Lapeer Rd, 71 dom, $170,000
418 Devonshire St, 51 days on market (dom), $220,000 / condo
The Lapeer real estate market is still moving forward. Total solds last month compared to last year is up 2.9%, median sale prices are up 46% from this time last year.
If you have been thinking of selling or leasing your home, now is the time to contact us for a Free Market Analysis of your Lapeer home at 810-338-0628 or TODAY!
Donald Horne, Team Success Listing
Associate Broker for Coldwell Banker Shooltz Realty