Don’t Close Any Accounts It makes it look like you have less available credit. Pay accounts down to 30 percent, or pay them off if you insist, but DON’T close them! Keep Bank Statements, Pay Stubs Readily Available Don’t Buy Furniture, Appliances or Anything New accounts create a FICO-reducing triple whammy of a new account/inquiry, […]
Buying a House In Metamora This Year? | Step #1
Buying And Selling A Home At The Same Time
Ah, to be a first-time home buyer again: How easy it was to buy a home when you weren’t carrying another mortgage on your back! If you’re looking to graduate from first-timer to repeat buyer, you know things are about to get much trickier. Unless you’re a bona fide house collector, you’ll have to sell your home in […]
99 Problems, And Saving For a Home Is Just One
So you want to buy a house! But first you need a car. And you want to get married in a big wedding, and then have some babies. Don’t forget their college education, and your master’s degree, and the looming specter of retirement. Life often feels like a series of savings goals. Once you’ve paid off your […]
How do You Qualify to Buy a House?
How Mortgage Rates in Lake Orion Michigan Work, Why They Matter
This story from Craig Donofrio, How Mortgage Rates Work and Why They Matter, talks about rates moving, interest percentage and getting locked in … Most of us know mortgage rates are important—after all, the difference between just one-eighth point in interest percentage could end up costing you thousands of dollars over the length of the loan. How Do You […]
Wanted! More Properties to Sell, North Oakland/South Lapeer Counties
Wanted! More properties to sell, north Oakland/south Lapeer counties. The real estate market is still moving forward, more buyers than sellers. Sellers are looking for move in ready homes, priced with the market to sell. On average, we are selling our listings within 9 days on market, as fast as 30 hours and as long […]
Boomerang Buyers Are Staging a Comeback, Oxford MI
Boomerang buyers are staging a comeback, Oxford MI. Interesting article from Realtor Magazine, buyers that lost their homes 2 plus years ago are now qualifying for new loans… “Boomerang buyers”—former home owners who have gone through a short sale, foreclosure, or bankruptcy in the past few years and are saving up for a down payment […]