Lake Orion MI Homes For Sale, Lake Front Real Estate in Lake Orion Michigan, Market Report December 2014.
Real estate market data for Lake Orion MI, provided by Realcomp, Donald Horne of Coldwell Banker Shooltz Realty.
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In the last 45 days there where 55 homes sold at an average price point of $230,810.00. The average days on market (dom) for all properties was 52 days, available inventory as of 11/30/2014 is 51 homes starting at $109,000.00. As of today, there is 32 pending sales scheduled to close by 01/04/2015. Bottom line, we have about 41 days worth of inventory to sell.
Even mixed news is good for Lake Orion home sellers, key improvements is the number of available inventory which is down from last report. Home sellers can be optimistic, we are still in a sellers market that should carry us to at least this spring.
Examples of Homes For Sale And Sold:
Atwater St, 2 bedroom ranch on market 5 days asking $109,000.00 with garage
Flint St, 3 bedroom home on market 2 days asking $209,000.00 with basement
Key West Ct, 3 bedroom contemporary on market for 61 days listed at $267,545.00
Indian Trl, 3 bedroom contemporary on market for 157 days asking $344,900.00 with basement
Greenan Ln, 4 bedroom colonial on market for 26 days asking $599,999.00 with 3 car garage
Liter Rd, sold for $115,000.00 in 21 days, 1065 sq.ft ranch
Nancy G Ln, sold for $215,000.00 in 123 days, 1776 sq.ft home
Round Tree Dr, sold for $250,000.00 in 86 days, 2413 sq.ft colonial
Seney Dr, sold in 63 days for $333,000.00
Mill Creek Dr, sold for $420,000.00 in 103 days, 2901 sq.ft colonial
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Lake Orion MI Homes For Sale, Lake Front Real Estate in Lake Orion Michigan, if this is the type of community you and your family are looking to live in or if you are looking to sell / lease your home / condo, please contact us to review with you on how you can get ready to sell your home.
Donald Horne, Team Success listing
Associate Broker for Coldwell Banker Shooltz Realty
Co-Host for “Finding New Neighbors” Cable TV 810-338-0628