April market report, Lake Orion real estate, selling homes in Lake Orion Michigan.
Real estate market data for Lake Orion, provided by Donald Horne, Realcomp and Realestate.com.
CLICK HERE for the current MLS listings for sale in Lake Orion.
Is this area right for you and your family?
* The average age of homeowners is 38
* 39% of these homeowners are married
* Total homes in this area is at 4,206
* 48% of these homes have children
Current real estate market in and around Lake Orion.
* Average days homes are on market is 33, up 28% from last report
* 27 new house and condo listings, up 19%
* 37% of total listings are foreclosures or short sales
* The percent of unoccupied properties is 11.0% below the national average
* Owner occupied properties is 13.7% above the national average
* Average sale price for homes in the 48359-48360-48362 area over the last 12 months is $162,000
* Average mortgage debt is at $206,103
* The average listing price for all homes is $338,250, up 8%
Lake Orion community information.
Lake Orion community school information.
Bus routes and stops.
Mortgage money is available, CLICK HERE.
Examples of new listings and solds in the last 45 days.
* $188,000 for a 4 bedroom colonial on Andrews St, 2394 sq.ft with basement and garage
* $290,000 for a 3 bedroom colonial on Detroit Ave, 1200 sq.ft with lake frontage and garage
* Newton Dr, sold in 27 days for $168,000 with 1301 sq.ft and basement
* $474,900 for a 4 bedroom colonial on Central Dr, 2511 sq.ft with lake frontage and garage
* $489,000 for a 4 bedroom colonial on Lakeview St, 2133 sq.ft with lake frontage and updates
* Converse Ct, sold in 6 days for $170,000 with 1436 sq.ft and basement
* Axford St, sold in 2 days for $246,000 with 1560 sq.ft and 2 car garage
* Park Island Dr, sold in 132 days for $475,000 with 2867 sq.ft and lake frontage, fireplaces, seawall
Consumer tips for the Lake Orion area.
How to get a mortgage with bad credit.
10 things to consider before making an offer on a home.
Ten mistakes to avoid when moving.
If you are planning to sell your Lake Orion home in the next 1 – 6 months, what you do right now to prepare for the sale could make a difference of thousands of dollars. For more detailed information on selling / leasing your Lake Orion MI home, contact us direct at 810-338-0628 / 248-969-8065 or email at donaldhorne.realtor@gmail.com TODAY!
Donald Horne, Team Success Listing <<<
Associate Broker for Coldwell Banker Shooltz Realty