Area homes for sale, real estate foreclosures in Lapeer Michigan
City of Lapeer, Lapeer Twp, Lapeer
Lapeer County, 48446
Homes for sale under $100,000.00
*1121 Turrill St, $54,900 / 3 beds & 1.1 baths / 1400 sq.ft / .75 acre
*1696 Bowers Rd, $94,000 / 4 beds & 2 baths / 1700 sq.ft / 1.5 acres
Homes for sale under $200,000.00
*599 Rolling Hills Ln, $118,000 / 2 beds & 2 baths / 1120 sq.ft / Condo
*1138 Don Wayne Dr, $127,000 / 3 beds & 1.1 baths / 2128 sq.ft / .47 acre
Homes for sale under $300,000.00
*2917 Carpenter Rd, $299,000 / 5 beds & 3.2 baths / 3000 sq.ft / 12 acres
*1608 Peppermill Rd, $299,960 / 3 beds & 2.2 baths / 3520 sq.ft / 2 acres / lakefront
Homes for sale under $500,000.00
*1752 Clark Rd, $475,000 / 3 beds & 2.1 baths / 2310 sq.ft / 68.7 acres
Real estate market for Lapeer
*The median sale price for homes in 48446 over the last 12 months is $99,700 / no change
*Median mortgage debt is $129,659 / no change
*The median listing price is $125,350 / down 6%
*Median days on market is at 62 / down 9%
*Active listings is 208 / up 2%
*22.6% of these listings are foreclosures or short sales / up 5%
For more detailed information on selling your Lapeer MI home, buying a home in and around Lapeer or questions about short sales, contact us direct at 810-338-0628 or Today!
Lapeer County homes newsletter
Donald Horne, Realtor, Team Success
Coldwell Banker Shooltz Realty
810-338-0628 or 248-969-8065
references: realcomp,