Selling Homes in Lake Orion Michigan, Market Report June 2014, Real Estate Information For The Lake Orion Area.
Real estate market data for Lake Orion, provided by Donald Horne, Realcomp and
Below is the current map of all properties for sale in the 48359-48360-48362 area:
Statistics for single family homes and condos:
* Average age of home owner is 38
* 39% of all home owners are married
* Total number of homes and condos is 4,206
* 48% of all homes have children living at home
Real estate market overview:
* The average sale price for homes over the last 12 months is $162,000 / no change
* Average mortgage debt is $206,103 / no change
* Average listing price is $275,410 / down 19%
* Days on market is 13 / down 61%
* Total active listings is 39 / up 31%
* Unoccupied properties is 11.0% below the national average
* Owner occupied properties is 13.7% above the national average
Lake Orion neighborhood information
Lake Orion mortgage information
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Examples of sold homes in the last 45 days:
Orion Twp, High Pointe Ridge, sold in 127 days for $109,000 / 2 beds & 1056 sq.ft
Orion Twp, Joan Dr, sold in 26 days for $131,000 / 3 beds & 1223 sq.ft
Orion Twp, Hemingway Rd, sold in 42 days for $158,000 / 4 beds & 3347 sq.ft
Orion Twp, W. Madison Ave, sold for $183,000 in 128 days / 2 beds & 1939 sq.ft
Orion Twp, Paul Blvd, sold for $204,900 in 122 days / 3 beds & 1560 sq.ft
Orion Twp, Walmsley Cir, sold for $240,000 in 9 days / 4 beds & 2175 sq.ft
Orion Twp, Grampian Dr, 3 beds & 2317 sq.ft / sold in 3 days for $278,009
Orion Twp, Indian Trl, 3 beds & 2272 sq.ft / sold in 7 days for $325,000
Orion Twp, Covington Woods, 4 beds & 2839 sq.ft / sold in 79 days for $355,000
Orion Twp, Oakland Ridge Dr, sold in 59 days for $396.000 / 4 beds & 2701 sq.ft
Orion Twp, Tonkawa Trl, sold in 81 days for $495,000 / 4 beds & 2633 sq.ft
Orion Vlg, N. North Shore Ct, sold for $800,000 in 10 days / 4 beds & 3577 sq.ft
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For more detailed information on selling / leasing your Lake Orion home or if this is the type of community you are looking for, please contact us direct at or 810-338-0628.
Donald Horne, Team Success Listing
Associate Broker for Coldwell Banker Shooltz Realty
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