Lapeer Michigan Real Estate, Homes For sale, Real Estate Listings in Lapeer County, Market Report October 2014.
Real estate market data for Lapeer MI, provided by Donald Horne of Coldwell Banker Shooltz Realty and Realcomp.
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Market Overview For The 48446 Zip Code Area:
Total homes sold in the last 45 days was 15, average sold price was at $167,838.00 which is up 23%. Average days on market until sold is 64 days, up 30%, as of today (10/20/14) we have 10 months of inventory making this a buyers market for now. Given these conditions with today’s low interest rates, this is an excellent market for buying a Lapeer home as long as terms are favorable to you.
Examples of Homes Sold:
Court St. in Lapeer / sold for $109,000 in 20 days / 1263 sq.ft, 3 bedrooms, no basement or garage / $86.30 psf.
Lapeer Rd. in Lapeer Twp. / sold for $135,000 in 98 days / 1119 sq.ft, 3 bedrooms, basement & garage / $120.64 psf.
Wildflower Ln. in Lapeer / sold for $173,000 in 14 days / 1715 sq.ft, 3 bedrooms, basement & garage / $100.87 psf.
Tanglewood Dr. in Lapeer Twp. / sold for $180,000 in 29 days / 1892 sq.ft, 3 bedrooms, basement & garage / $95.13 psf.
Sutton Rd. in Lapeer Twp. / sold in 25 days for $292,500 / 1800 sq.ft, 3 bedrooms, basement & 2 car garage / $162.50 psf
Links to Local Information in And Around Lapeer:
Mortgage information in Lapeer
For more detailed information on Homes For Sale, what your home would be worth in this Real Estate market, contact us on line or call 810-338-0628 and ask us about our exclusive FREE home care service.
Donald Horne, Team Success Listing
Associate Broker for Coldwell Banker Shooltz Realty
Real Estate Listings