Oxford, Village of Oxford, Oxford Township
statistics, sales trends, market reports
Sold real estate:
32 Park St, $55,687 / bank owned / 4 bedrooms & 2 baths
130 Pontiac St, $90,000 / short sale / 3 bedrooms & 1 bath
730 Woodleigh Way, $115,000 / bank owned / 3 bedrooms & 3.1 baths
254 Oxford Lake Dr, $126,000 / bank owned / 4 bedrooms & 2.1 baths
Month to date: 14 sold listings with an average sold price of $153,621 / average days on market was 87.1 days / 16 expired listings with an average price of $125,806 / average days on market was 80.9 days / 54 total on market listings with an average list price of $239,884 / average days on market is 71.2 days
Real estate for sale:
39 Pearl St, $750 / lease / 918 sq.ft
455 Thornehill, $1,800 / lease / 1789 sq.ft
41 Pearl St, $99,959 / duplex / 1837 sq.ft
51 W. Burdick St, $119,000 / 1845 sq.ft
475 Lakes Edge Dr, $142,900 / 1581 sq.ft
Year to date: new listings are down 41.2% / sold listings are down 10.7% and the median sale price is at $149,900 which is down 14% / market action index as of 05-15-11 is 16.7, making Oxford MI a buyers market
Given these conditions with today’s low interest rate, this is an excellent market for buying real estate in Oxford with terms favorable to you.
For more information on Oxford homes for sale, Oxford Community Schools, contact me direct at 248-969-8065 or DonaldHorne.Realtor@gmail.com TODAY!
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references: realcomp, donsrealty.net