Hello! We hope you had a great November! We just wanted to let you know that the average sales in Oakland and Lapeer Counties are up 4.0% and the average sale prices are up 4.6%.
You can get information, price, photos and more by going to:
When these homes sell, it will affect your homes value! We would like to invite you to find out the new value of your home using today’s technology at a website we created that will provide you with this information at: 15SecondHomeValuation.info or text 105 to 810-267-2594.
We hope you find this helpful and, as always, we appreciate your consideration in referring any friends, family, or colleagues our way. Do not hesitate to let us know if you have any questions about anything related to real estate, mortgages or your home!
Donald Horne, Team Success Listing
Associate Broker-Coldwell Banker Shooltz Realty
Oxford Office 248-969-8065
Lapeer Office 810-338-0628
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