Native plants, outdoor yoga spaces, and charging stations are among the hottest landscaping trends growing in consumer demand for 2018. Landscape architects were asked to rate the popularity of several residential outdoor design elements. Landscape architects noted a growth in the use of native plants, low-maintenance landscapes, and flexible-use spaces, for yoga classes or movie […]
Outdoor Trends Lapeer Buyers Love
Home owners crave outdoor spaces for gathering and entertaining, which is why it’s important to highlight your outdoor spaces. 1. Natural wood and stone: Natural wood and stone features are popular today, even those made of faux materials like vinyl. “This design trend can make an outdated home look modern on the exterior, causing more […]
Selling Your Home This Winter? Make Your Yard Pop!
Selling your home in the winter is hard enough without snow. Add some frozen tundra or gray-brown slush, and you might be tempted to put that “For Sale” sign away until spring, when budding flowers and lush lawns entice buyers on their own. But waiting isn’t an option for everyone. If a job transfer or family circumstances have […]