Does your agent produce this kind of video to help sell your home faster? If not, you need to call us direct at 810-338-0628 or 248-969-8065, TODAY! Donald Horne, Team Success Listing <<< Associate Broker for Coldwell Banker Shooltz Realty
Oxford Vlg, Just Sold in Your Neighborhood, 39/41 Pearl St.
We have just sold a home in your neighborhood, 39/41 Pearl St, Oxford Vlg. When homes are priced right, given the right amount of exposure, all parties working together, there is no reason not to expect success. Contact us direct to have your home sold today! With over 12 years of real estate experience, we […]
Listings Selling Fast in Your Neighborhood!
My listings are selling fast in your neighborhood. You may be pleasantly surprised to learn that in the first 7 months of this year, I sold 11 of my listings at an average of 34 days on market. With Lapeer Counties inventory down 7% and home prices up 12%, Oakland Counties inventory down 21% and home […]